Pripájame playlist štvrtkovej relácie Cyberjam od Dj-a menom Genetic Drugs vysielanej dňa 15.12.2016 o  20:00 hod.


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Track Artist Composer Label Time
Oriental Suite Anchorsong dto Tru Thoughts 12826 4:30
Bossa Do Mar Black Zone Ensemble Miglietta Peacelounge Rec 11784 3:28
Smoked Salt Dev79 dto Lucky Beard Rec LB038 2:45
Gash Out Dev79 & Subp Yao dto Lucky Beard Rec LB038 2:31
Silent NY The Incognito Traveller Aiken BBE 15287 2:12
Sargassum The Incognito Traveller Aiken BBE 15287 2:08
Bossa Brasilia Black Zone Ensemble Miglietta Peacelounge Rec 11784 3:16
Forward Youth RSD Smith Tectonic 14609 2:17
The Chanc The Impellers Fallows Freestyle Rec 12659 3:09
Latin Seed Tricky D Bagar BBE 15287 2:36
Expedition East OMFO Popov Essay Recordings 13406 2:55
Tunderdomb (Eric Sumo Rmx- Chinese Kids Mashup) Amorf Ördögök dto UGAR Rec 3:13
Fruitcake Can 7 Canseven,Craviero Audiopharm 10936 1:22
Dakkaragada Trevira Modern dto UGAR Rec 2:08
Rainha Do Mar Edson X dto Audiopharm 10936 1:10
I’m The Instrument Nigel Hayes dto Audiopharm 10936 3:45
Igaz Szerelem Anima Sound System Nemeth,Prieger,Prieger UGAR Rec 2:08
Tu Rewind Toma dto Tomaclub 3:07
La Esquina Loco Dice dto Desolat 18256 3:05
Dopia The Sushi Club Tremmel 4MPO 14041 2:20
Consequently Eccentric And Delicate Loco Dice dto Desolat 18256 2:41
Wosoubour (Chris Annibal Rmx) Vieux Farka Touré dto Exil Musik 08972 2:54

Časť 2:

Track Artist Composer Label Time
Feelings (Bravo vs Dilligas Dub) Yeah Boy dto Ciao Rec 06922 3:12
Tycho Strut Buffalo Brothers dto Buffalo Brothers Rec 2:40
Metric Buffalo Brothers dto Buffalo Brothers Rec 1:57
The Sicilian Buffalo Brothers dto Buffalo Brothers Rec 2:41
Amor Weathertunes Vos,Voss Lemongrassmusic 12644 2:34
Paris In Amour The Incognito Traveller Aiken BBE 15287 1:42
How to Send Messages by Smoke The Incognito Traveller Aiken BBE 15287 1:32
Dark Matter Buffalo Brothers dto Buffalo Brothers Rec 2:29
Red Giant Buffalo Brothers dto Buffalo Brothers Rec 2:19
Bad Boy Bass (Bandish Project Rmx) Gaudi dto Exil Musik 08972 2:10
Carmen Breakdance Konkatao Bizet, Putter Edel Rec 01666 2:09
El Borracho Phoniclab dto Irma Rec 21837 1:01
Richard Strauss 2001 C.F. Peters Corp Version Strauss Compost Rec 02518 2:45
Cuica Laranja Azeda Azymuth Bertram, Malheiros MilanMusic/BMG 08126 3:43
Here all along (Goulet Mix) Bryan Ford dto Revolutionary Music 37349 2:14
The Mutha Woop dto Baxx Beat Music 16151 2:38
Lero-Lero Luisa Maita dto Cumbancha 20764 2:52
Passion Fruit Lemongrass Voss Lemongrassmusic 12644 3:00
Drive (Interamina Highway Lights Rmx) Fromwood dto Irma Rec 21837 2:36
Walzer Hidden Jazz Quartett Abel,CasimirKrajenski Agogo Rec 15656 2:17
Lazy Fingers Brioski dto Irma Rec 21837 2:40
Sundown Chase Woop dto Baxx Beat Music 16151 3:39
In the jungle Woop dto Baxx Beat Music 16151 2:30
All Static (Rmx) Natural Self dto Tru Thoughts 12826 2:33