Suistamon Sähkö – Etkot, pectopaн ja etnoteknoa (Kihtinäjärvi Records 2018)
Suistamon Sähkö performs new Karelian dance music with electronics, Russian toy accordion, power of song, rap and manic moves.

Crazy music scientists Anne-Mari Kivimäki and Eero Grundström create new Suistamo dance music with a Notka accordion and electronics. Add two dancing vocalists Reetta-Kaisa Iles and Tuomas Juntunen and this visual folktronica act will make you dance yourself into a trance.

The songs’ stories are inspired by, for instance, Suistamo’s old village maps, hydroelectric power plants and mills, scratchy archive tapes, folk poetry and bumpy roads of Karelia. Groovy accordion rhythms, imaginative use of samples and electronics, folk tradition and hip hop infuences makes an uncompromising mix of dance party and art from wild east.
NMR (photo: press)